Guy Code Embrace Your Masculinity

Guy Code is exclusively accessible in digital and eReader formats at the moment. As previously mentioned, Chuck Norris. Throughout the following 180 pages, Guy Code utilizes quizzes, diagrams, photos, and straightforward step-by-step narrative to elaborate on topics such as bathroom etiquette, fighting, and sexting - all essential aspects of life for gaining respect and asserting dominance.

Guy Code is currently available only in digital, eReader formats. So like I said, Chuck Norris. Over the next 180 pages, Guy Code uses quizzes, diagrams, photos, and plain old step-by-step directive narrative to expound upon bathroom etiquette, fighting, sexting, all areas of life crucial to your becoming a revered, chest-beating...yet sensitive...Supermale. Starting with Chapter 1: Manscaping. Guy Code: Unleash Your Manhood will teach you how to be the "happiest, wealthiest, most wildly successful, most desired-by-women" person you know. The result? He has overtaken the body of Chuck Norris. Noah Levenson took 15 principles from MTV2's Guy Code and funneled them into his daily life in an attempt to realize his full potential as a man.

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