The MiniPresso measures 6.89 inches in length and weighs 0.8 pounds when empty.
Snake Guardz are nylon covers with polycarbonate inserts that fasten around your lower legs, providing protection against snake bites. They can stop the penetration of venomous snake fangs and are effective up to 17" up the leg. Each cover ...
If my Pooping Please Come Back Later Sign is displayed and someone, like my father-in-law, disregards it, I wonder if I would be justified in lightly tapping him with the Mjolnir toilet paper holder upon exiting. Another concern I have is t...
The LED flashlight operates on 3 size C batteries and can run for up to 4-1/2 hours, with an effective range of 450 feet. Made with a weatherproof aluminum casing, it is not recommended for use in underwater battles with Krakens. While it m...
If you're looking for a practical and efficient way to clean up your bathroom after Christmas, take a look at the Cactus Toilet Plunger & Brush Set. This set includes tools with cactus-shaped handles that are specifically designed to unclog...
The AIRTAME is a wireless dongle that can be connected to the HDMI port of your TV, projector, or monitor. It can then establish a WiFi connection with a Windows, Mac, or Ubuntu computer. Once connected, your TV screen can be used as your c...
The Sunnytech desktop Stirling Engine sits on a wooden base without paint, which was selected for its cost-effectiveness. Users are encouraged by Sunnytech to personalize the base by painting or staining it to suit their preferences. The en...
The Endoscope features a CMOX 0.3MP camera with 4 resolution options, making it suitable for underwater use in plumbing and other applications.
The SpyraThree WaterBlaster is the most recent model of Spyra's popular water gun, equipped with the ability to shoot 3 extremely fast and powerful water bullets in a row with each squeeze of the trigger. A single tank can fire off 22 press...
The Brava Oven features a nonstick tray and interior surface that can be easily cleaned or wiped down post-use. With its compact design, it will only occupy a space measuring 16.4" x 17".
The Cowboy Hat Engagement Ring Box comes in brown, black, or blue flocked material, offering a versatile choice for showcasing earrings, pendants, and other small jewelry items on any special occasion. It is perfect for those looking to pro...
Brinks' Push Pull Rotate Door Locks are crafted to uphold the high residential security standards synonymous with the Brinks name. These locks feature a robust, commercial-grade chassis that is ideal for front and back doors, as well as int...
Illuminated Apparel T-Shirts are available in various colors, all designed with a crew-neck style and offered in sizes for both children and adults. The glow from drawings on the shirt lasts for approximately 5 minutes before fading, allowi...
The Waterbase Pillow by Mediflow is suggested for individuals seeking to lessen neck pain, have fewer disruptions during sleep, and quickly drift off to sleep. This pillow can be filled with the amount of water you prefer and includes a sli...
The Smoking Gun is a convenient device that easily infuses smoke into various foods, such as butter and whiskey, within seconds. If you don't want to use smoke pucks, this could be a suitable option. When filled with pellets, the puck can p...
The Edamame Bottle Cleaners are soybean-shaped, sized, and colored abrasive cellulose sponges filled with ceramic weights. Simply insert them into your water, baby, or soda bottles along with a drop of dish detergent, and then shake vigorou...