The Rapid Mac Cooker is a silicone pan that quickly cooks pasta in the microwave, reducing the stovetop cooking time from 20 minutes to just 5 minutes. It is specifically designed to offer fast cooking results, making it essential for anyone seeking a quick meal solution. To use, fill the pan with water to the designated line, add noodles, and microwave for 3 minutes.
Several sizes and styles of MOVA Globes are offered, such as Earth interpretations, constellation maps, and planets' moons, making them a popular choice for Dude Gifts for Geeks. TurtleTech Design has created a drive mechanism within the in...
Max Temkin, a philosophy major from Chicago, created Cards Against Humanity as a Kickstarter project. He has a great sense of humor and marketable skills. The game is priced at $25, but a free PDF version is available for printing.
The Slice Box Cutter is an ideal tool for cutting through tough materials like cardboard, corrugated packaging, foam, and vinyl. Its zirconium oxide ceramic blade remains sharp up to 10 times longer than a steel blade, making it a necessary...
The Gerber Fastball is available for purchase on both Gerber's website and Amazon through the provided link. This everyday carry pocket knife provides ambidextrous carry options thanks to its 3-position pocket clip, which can also be comple...
The GardenSharp tool sharpener is specifically made for single-blade garden tools that are usually difficult to sharpen back to a functional state. Manufactured by AccuSharp, this sharpener utilizes a diamond-honed tungsten carbide blade to...
If you don't have room for 320 or even 160 gallons of stored drinking water, you can start smaller with the Augason Farms 55-gallon water treatment and storage kit. Rest assured that tap water and Water Preserver can be used to fill the Wat...
The Home Security Sign from Protected By Fuck Around and Find Out seems to also be available in a version that says Mess Around and Find Out. Placing a sign in your yard with explicit language, even if it is well-made with laser engraving, ...
The Brava Oven features a nonstick tray and interior surface that can be easily cleaned or wiped down post-use. With its compact design, it will only occupy a space measuring 16.4" x 17".
Insect houses are available in various sizes and finishes and can be hung from a tree or post, or placed on the ground in your grass or garden bed. These houses, made of cedar wood, bamboo, sawdust, pine cones, wire mesh, and plywood, can b...
The Ditoo by Divoom is a highly innovative device that provides a range of entertaining and unique functions for both desktop and handheld use. Featuring a 16 x 16 LED front screen that can be controlled through an app, as well as a 360-deg...
Jeri-Rigg tie-downs are available in 4 different lengths and can be used for a range of purposes, including securing items while traveling and organizing equipment on job sites. In your garage, they can be used to mount, hang, and keep thin...
Belkin's SurgePlus is equipped with 6 outlets and 2 USB ports and is designed to be mounted on the wall. With a 900 joule energy rating, it can effectively power a range of devices in both home and office settings. Additionally, the surge p...
The Morakniv Eldris is a 2.2" fixed blade made of 12c27 stainless steel, which received the "2016 Scandinavian outdoor award" for its functionality, quality, and design. Even though the details of the award are unknown, the Eldris is compac...
The publisher describes The Beauty of Horror: A GOREgeous Coloring Book as a combination of The Walking Dead and The Secret Garden. Alan Robert, the author and artist, has filled nearly 80 pages with detailed pen-and-ink illustrations showc...
KneeBlades are specifically created to simplify home repairs and maintenance tasks by offering rolling knee pads. These pads are ideal for DIY improvements and renovations, as well as the routine household activities that many of us partici...