Please avoid using SneakERASERS Soak on suede shoes. I cannot stress this enough - do not use SneakERASERS Soak on suede shoes. Although designed for sneakers, SneakERASERS Soak can also effectively clean climbing shoes, tennis shoes, and most other types of athletic shoes, excluding those made of suede.
This skull & spine beer bong is the ultimate way to chug pints, inspired by my Irish friend Seamus who loved skulling pints. He would always say, "Chug your pints, lads." So, let's do 3 shots and whoever finishes last has to chug a pint.
The Bug Bite Thing is a compact, lightweight device that can be used repeatedly. It features a suction end with a cup that can be flipped to accommodate bites of varying sizes. Manufactured in Denmark, the Bug Bite Thing has been used as a ...
Black bottled water is an American product, specifically from New Jersey. It's not shocking, as water from New Jersey tends to be black. The business is owned by brothers Albie and Christopher Manzo.
Bunmi Laditan seems to have firsthand experience with dealing with toddler misbehavior, which is evident in her book Toddlers Are A**holes: It's Not Your Fault. The book serves as both a support group and a source of humor for parents navig...
The ArmPull is a door handle that can be installed on doors without a latch, enabling you to open the door with your forearm or elbow. It is a practical option for avoiding germs on door handles during the current pandemic, as well as being...
South Chicago Packing's Wagyu Beef Tallow is a 42-ounce container of meat butter perfect for sauteing, searing, and cooking. It is Grade A Prime and 100% pure Wagyu, making it an excellent gift for food enthusiasts during the holiday season...
Schwetty Balls golf balls come with 396 scrotal dimples and are labeled as "Schwetty L" and "Schwetty R". The titanium core blend, unlike traditional balls, is designed to improve your golf game and help you shoot below par. Schwetty Balls ...
The Botany of Beer is described as a beautifully illustrated compendium showcasing over 500 plants utilized in brewing. Giuseppe Caruso, a self-proclaimed botanical expert, has carefully hand-drawn and described the unique characteristics o...
For a holiday gift that is politically charged and potentially controversial, consider OMG WTF Does the Constitution Actually Say? by Ben Sheehan. This book offers a detailed and engaging explanation of the American Constitution, covering k...
Users can create their own barge and bring their own alcohol with the inflatable Floating Water Walkway from World of Watersports. These rafts, measuring 6' x 10', provide a stable walking surface when fully inflated and can be linked betwe...
The MoMa Plasma Nightlight can be plugged directly into outlets and illuminates with a web of neon beams in reds and purples that move towards fingers or other body parts when they come into contact with the light bulb. Made of glass, xenon...
The Titanium Glow Fob measures 1.58 inches in length and has a weight of only 0.16 ounces.
Mykel Hawke designed the Apocalypse Shovel V 1.0 as a durable multi-tool for survivalists, featuring a knurled steel handle and a shovel head made from two grades of hardened stainless steel.
The Sobro cooler coffee table had a successful crowdfunding campaign, similar to the Coolest Cooler. Pre-orders are still available at a discounted price through IndieGoGo, and it appears that the first few batches of Sobros will be deliver...
Honeyville Rancher's Cut carnivorous delicacies in a can are made entirely from the specified animal, whether it be beef chunks, turkey, chicken, ham, hamburger, or sausage. The meats are diced or crumbled, cooked, and then vacuum sealed be...